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Break the Habit Campaign

Supported by the Australian Government, the Alcohol and Drug Foundation has launched a new campaign designed to encourage Australians who increased their alcohol consumption due to COVID-19 related stress and anxiety to reduce their alcohol use to safer levels. 

On average, it only takes around 66 days to form a habit. This is roughly the same amount of time many Australians spent in lockdown.  Even small increases to the amount of alcohol you drink can become harder to shift over time.   

The campaign provides practical tips for Australians who want to change drinking habits that have crept in during home isolation.  

A video created for ’Break the Habit‘ features a ‘creature’, representing the ‘little habit’ of drinking more alcohol than usual. The campaign encourages people to consider their recent drinking patterns, recognise any problem signs and start to shift their habits.  

Supporting the campaign  

Support from stakeholders and partners will ensure the message reaches those who will benefit most from the  ‘Break the Habit‘ campaign.  

If you would like to get involved, download the campaign promotional kit. Share the handy resources with people in your community who are thinking about changing their drinking habits.

Please reach out to the Alcohol and Drug Foundation via email at  if you would like more information.   

To find out how your drinking measures up, try out the Alcohol and Drug Foundation’s quick and interactive  Drinking Calculator.  

The Alcohol and Drug Foundation (ADF) is Australia’s leading organisation committed to preventing and minimising the harm caused by alcohol and other drugs. For the past 60 years, we have been reaching millions of Australians in their communities.    

We are proudly evidence-based, independent and funded by state and federal governments. We bring expert knowledge and research into the design and implementation of all our programs.  

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