Cutting back on drinking can have a positive effect on your overall health and wellbeing. It’s good news for your long-term health, sleep patterns, stress and mood- even a small change to how much and how often you drink can have a positive impact on your health and wellbeing.
Alcohol and weight: A few less drinks means you’ll get more out of your body. Alcohol is high in kilojoules and can cause sugar cravings – plus we all know about that greasy hangover meal which can leave you feeling less than great. Find out more…
Alcohol and immunity: A few less drinks means a cold won’t get between you and life. High levels of alcohol consumption can affect the body’s immune system, particularly the lungs. Find out more…
Alcohol and sleep: Getting a good night’s sleep is a form of positive self-care you can do every day, and it’s an excellent way to improve overall health. Drinking alcohol can really impact on your sleep quality. A few less drinks can help you grab some extra Z’s and give you a sharper start to the day. Find out more…
Other benefits: Reducing drinking can also help boost your energy, save you money and reduce anxiety.
Drink less. Feel better

While the health benefits from cutting down will be different from person to person, and is related to your previous drinking levels, it’s a great way to start making a small change to your health that will leave you feeling better in the long run.
For more information on the benefits of reducing drinking, visit Hello Sunday Morning.